Celebrating – within the family

- At the 20 years jubilee the employee’s families were the focus point

On the 1st of April 2018 Mikron Tool looked back on its 20 years success story. And celebrated with all its employees on the 28th of the same month. Because it’s them which made success possible, day by day with constant top-level commitment.

On Saturday, April 28 the doors opened for the employees’ families. So that they got an idea of the everyday work of their spouses, parents, sons and daughters. And with this understand a bit what it means to grind tools within a precision of a thousanth of a millimeter, in diameters which can hardly be seen with the naked eye. In the Technology Center, which started operation in 2015, it was then also possible to witness practical applications of these tools. Participating at the event were also members of the board and the Mikron Management in the function of CEO and CFO which dedicated time to look behind the scene of the production facility.

Equally important was the happy gathering in the party tent, where visitors were spoilt with culinary delicacies, namely with an international selection of foods offered on four food stalls representing the geographical areas were Mikron Tool is present: Switzerland, Germany, China and North America.

The attendance was great: more than 400 people followed the invitation. They were astonished, had questions, chatted, socialized, learnt, laughed, ate, drank and played. Mainly children of all ages had a great time. There were clowns, a bounce house which invited to let off steam, make-up stalls where they could morph into super heroes or animals and many other fun games.








